Opening the Door
I reactivated my blog this morning. The inspiration was thoughts on Divine Therapy & Addiction: Centering Prayer and the Twelve Steps by Fr. Thomas Keating (as interviewed by Tom S). I can’t recall what led me to buy the book, other than I have been trying to amass a collection of “recovery path” literature. It could have been my BALM (Be a Loving Mirror) Facilitator Specialist training – but it could have been anyone, anywhere these days. My path feels almost littered with fruits of the path, ideas and concepts to enlarge the spiritual life. This has been the Way for 20 years, cruising along, trying to “level up,” as one of my muse’s likes to say, every once in a while, kicking in the turbo. It’s funny, really, that those high-intensity times are also the most calm and peaceful. It’s when I bitch and moan about the state of affairs in my life, in our lives, that I feel I’m crawling.
Why reactivate the blog & go all public and shit when it’s just as easy – easier – to grab one of those purple composition books I stocked up on and hide out in its pages? It’s one thing to be vulnerable in private, no one else knowing that strong & capable may not be the default setting. It’s entirely another to be authentic with anyone who wants to looking on. Honestly? Ego drives the notion that many people will take an active interest. But, that one person who may be able to benefit only has that chance if it’s all right out there.
Here I am, y’all (as the ego would want – how about just you?). Who knows what will land here. For right now, just know, twelve years later, the door is open.