1st Sunday
A month has come and gone. I'm now on my first of three Sundays which followed three Saturdays. That's how I like to think about time off from work that isn't really a vacation -- a few days attached to a holiday weekend to make it feel that I really did schedule myself some down time. So, I worked until Wednesday, which became my Friday, which made Thursday my first Saturday, followed by two more (Friday and actual Saturday), and now, I'm enjoying Sunday, but because I won't work Monday or Tuesday (the 4th, my birthday), I'll get two more Sundays--three in all. Three Saturdays & three Sundays. A six-day weekend. I'm even kicking around a fourth Sunday on Wednesday. After all, it's the anniversary of Ma's passing. I haven't been to visit her & Dad at all this year. Not on her birthday, not on Mother's Day (or Father's Day). July holds three more opportunities: the 5th, her passing; the 15th, their anniversary; and the 26th, the ...