Sometimes, I think it's easier to just not go to a doctor. They order tests, they tell you things, make suggestions.....complicate things.

My white count is high.

The space between L5 & S1 has significantly narrowed, making each step an adventure (the sciatic (sp?) nerves peek through those bones).

My bones are still too brittle and I have to start a medication that's almost a hundred bucks a pill.

And my cholesteral is high.

I came home, rested up a bit, then had a quick dinner of fries dipped in mayo, potato salad (leftovers) with extra mayo added, and hot dogs.

I'm a gonner.

Coulda stayed home.

Till later....


Unknown said…

Lots of prayer going out for you. You are not a gonner...
JL Kulakowski said…
I know, splendra. I know. It was my cynical sense of humor coming through. Thank you so much for your hugs! How often do we need them and don't know how to ask?

FIERI said…
I hope you are doing better now, with time. It must be insanely stressful to have to worry about so many health issues.
JL Kulakowski said…
I was in a bitchy mood :)
FIERI said…
Hehe. Understandable.

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