Blast from the Past

The following is an entry from my first foray into blogging. I haven't given up the search for the big truths. I just find that it tends to wear me out if undertaken too early in the day.

I've been struggling with something that started as a thought and has come to be a truth in my mind/spirit/soul, though I did not understand the truth. I did not understand what it could possibly mean.

It all matters, and none of it matters.

I relate this to my physical body and the physical world in which I live. How could that possibly be? How could this paradox exist? More importantly, what is it saying?

First, I also believe that all of existence is a paradox, but I won't dive deep into that right now. This is what came to me, in an instant, without forethought in any conscious form.

The physical world is a gift. I'm sitting on my porch watching God's creatures... one digging nuts from a previous hiding space, one skipping down the sidewalk, and one very intent on her reckless driving.. both in her car and, in what I perceived in that instant, her life. Physical life is a gift. In terms of eternity, it matters not. It's a psychic vacation of sorts. In a physical form, we possess the ability to slow it down, to savor it, to LIVE it. In the realm of eternity, time has no meaning. It goes on forever, and it's all in an instant. No past, present, future. It's ALL there ALL the time. What we do with the gift of physical existence comes down to choices. We can enjoy it, savor it for what it is, or squander it, recklessly drive our temporal Tempos through life with no regard to the journey, only the destination. Maybe we do further our eternal journey based on our side-trip into a physical life. Maybe one significance begets another. Maybe my one vote DOES count. It's not mine to know at this moment, and that's okay.

For the record, had I been able to teleport into any of those creatures, it would definitely be the child skipping. She knows what it's all about.


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