I have no doubt of my personal strength and endurance. I don't mean the number of pounds I can lift or the miles I can walk. I just mean that I know, if I have to, I can get through anything.

My earlier task of planting my bee balm has left me hurting. Oh, it's not anything I'd feel severe enough to medically treat, either now or in the past. Well, maybe in the past. A paper cut was enough then to require a pain pill. But, I'm hurting, and my strength and endurance has waned. Looking at the time, I see that my daughter needs to be picked up at school in about two hours, I need a shower, told my husband I'd make side dishes for his grilled fish, and I'm beaten down. I'll make the rice & veggies, I'll drive to the school, and maybe, just maybe, I'll get the shower. My daughter loves me even if I don't smell the freshest, and I'm certainly not looking to impress anyone. But I'm tired.

Right now, I don't want to be strong, and I don't want to push my endurance. I just want to curl up, read a book, maybe sleep, and just be.

Till later....


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